The first photos of our latest kittens are online !

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Male brown mackerel tabby and white (n 09 23)
3 rd of May 2003 - 2 nd of November 2019

When Titran's Ulysses arrived at home, at the age of two years old, he was already Junior Winner and FIFe European Champion. He soon get used to his new space and understood how to climb trees and hunt birds.
Ulysses is a big athletic cat, with a stunning spring. He transmits a long body, high legs, large paws (the famous "snowshoes" of this family), an endless tail and an excellent temper.
Big thanks to Renée for having entrust him to us !


EC Skogsräet's Aramis
brown blotched tabby and white (n 09 22)
EC Rockringen's Johnny Rotten
red blotched tabby (d 22)
CH Revelia's Chat Noir (n 09)
IC Sassa (d 22)
CH Tigerögas Emilia
brown mackerel tortie tabby and white (f 09 23)
EC Putchi Two av Hulder (n 09)
GIC Fafangans Mira (f 09 22)
EC Maneskinn's Lenja
brown mackerel tabby and white (n 09 23)
GIC Yannick av Fager
brown blotched tabby and white (n 09 22)
EC Karl-Johan Felis Jubatus (a 22)
EC Tora Vik Felis Jubatus (n 23)
EC Regine Olsen Felis Jubatus
brown mackerel tabby and white (n 09 23)
EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus (a 09)
GIC Bergansius Nehalennia (w 63)
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