The first photos of our latest kittens are online !

logo June 8, 2016 Litter

EC Alvar vom Egert
GIC Ilka des Chênes d'Or

Kittens' Pedigree

EC Alvar vom Egert
brown amber blotched tabby (nt 22)
CH Vento vom Egert
brown amber blotched tabby and white (nt 09 22)
Valentin vom Arlesbrunnen (at 09 22)
IC Isabeau vom Egert (n 09 22)
CH Carlotta vom Egert
brown blotched tabby (n 22)
CH Carneol vom Egert (nt 22)
CH Freya vom Egert (n 22)
GIC Ilka des Chênes d'Or
brown blotched tabby (n 22)
IC Restless Grey Wind
brown blotched tabby (n 22)
IC Fiskerjenta's Sisik (n 22)
IC Restless Muffin Buffalo (n 22)
IC Betsy Blue of Florence Ray
bleu ambre (at)
IC Shaggy vom Trollberg (nt 09 22)
Vernacchia av Trulla (nt 24)
Malkus Melchior Mikkel Milanka
Malkus Male Brown amber blotched tabby (nt 22) Sold
Melchior Male Brown amber blotched tabby (nt 22) Stays in cattery
Mikkel Male Brown amber blotched tabby (nt 22) Sold
Milanka Female Brown amber blotched tabby (nt 22) Sold
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