The first photos of our latest kittens are online !

logo August 10, 2020 Litter

EC Alvar vom Egert
IC Frozen Lands Polar Circle

Kitten's Pedigree

EC Alvar vom Egert
brown amber blotched tabby (nt 22)
CH Vento vom Egert
brown amber blotched tabby and white (nt 09 22)
Valentin vom Arlesbrunnen (at 09 22)
IC Isabeau vom Egert (n 09 22)
CH Carlotta vom Egert
brown blotched tabby (n 22)
CH Carneol vom Egert (nt 22)
CH Freya vom Egert (n 22)
IC Frozen Lands Polar Circle
brown blotched tabby and white (n 09 22)
CH Arashi Doggett
brown mackerel tabby and white (n 09 23)
Arashi Raynor (n 21)
Muffin's Audrey Hepburn (f 09 23)
IC Hamingja von der Lusshardt
brown amber blotched tabby (nt 22)
Geronimo de Wood Lake (nt)
GIC Delphina von der Lusshardt (at 22)
Ricky Réca Rita R'Windsor Réa Risotto Rodica
Ricky Male Brown amber blotched tabby and white (nt 09 22) Sold
Réca Female Brown blotched tabby (n 22) Sold
Rita Female Brown blotched tabby and white (n 09 22) Sold
R'Windsor Male Brown amber blotched tabby and white (nt 09 22) Sold
Réa Female Brown amber blotched tabby (nt 22) Sold
Risotto Male Brown blotched tabby (n 22) Sold
Rodica Female Brown blotched tabby and white (n 09 22) Sold
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