The first photos of our latest kittens are online !

logo EC Holly des Chênes d'Or logo

Female brown mackerel tabby and white (n 09 23), amber carrier
Born on the 24 th of May 2012

Holly des Chênes d'Or was born from the last marriage between Valeska and Alvar. She was an only daughter who had taken the best from both of her parents: a lively and sweet temper, a magic look, a thick fur, a great chin, long lynx tips...
So she stayed at home to perpetuate the line of Karat'Cats Valeska and Titran's Ulysses, for our greatest pleasure ! Holly gets along with everyone, but she is inseparable from her half-sister Hedwige, with whom she grew up.

Holly holds the title of European Champion.


EC Alvar vom Egert
brown amber blotched tabby (nt 22)
CH Vento vom Egert
brown amber blotched tabby and white (nt 09 22)
Valentin vom Arlesbrunnen (at 09 22)
IC Isabeau vom Egert (n 09 22)
CH Carlotta vom Egert
brown blotched tabby (n 22)
CH Carneol vom Egert (nt 22)
CH Freya vom Egert (n 22)
CH Karat'Cats Valeska
brown mackerel tabby and white (n 09 23)
EC Titran's Ulysses JW
brown mackerel tabby and white (n 09 23)
EC Skograet's Aramis (n 09 22)
EC Maneskinn's Lenja DSM/DM (n 09 23)
Titran's Utopia
brown mackerel tabby and white (n 09 23)
EC Bergansius Magusan (n 09 23)
EC Titran's Tosca (g 09 23)
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