Female blue amber mackerel tabby (at 23) Born on the 22 nd of September 2021
Solveig de l'Eternitéphémère was born at my friend Laury Hallaert's cattery.
She is the daughter of Libellule des Chênes d'Or and the granddaughter of Betsy Blue of Florence Ray, who passed down to her their stunning amber-blue color as well as their lively yet affectionate temper.
Her father is the handsome Afjord's Isaka, from whom she inherited her strong bone structure and thick fur.
Much like her grandmother Betsy Blue, Solveig is a passionate acrobat, who spends much of her time atop trees, teasing magpies, parakeets, and even squirrels.
Solveig holds the title of International Champion.
Afjord's Isaka
brown mackerel tabby and white (n 09 23)
IC Gallifrey's Lorne Malvo
brown mackerel tabby and white (n 09 23)
IC Gallifrey's Tarragon (n 09 22)
IC Restless Cinderpaw (n 09 23)
Afjord's Charisma
brown amber spotted tabby and white (nt 09 24)
Afjord's Samu (n 09)
Afjord's Elsa (ns 09 24)
CH Libellule des Chênes d'Or
blue amber blotched tabby (at 22)
IC Jiwari de l'Eternitéphémère
brown blotched tabby (n 22)