The first photos of our latest kittens are online !

logo June 1, 2014 Litter

EC Alvar vom Egert
IC Esmee vom Arlesbrunnen

Kittens' Pedigree

EC Alvar vom Egert
brown amber blotched tabby (nt 22)
CH Vento vom Egert
brown amber blotched tabby et blanc (nt 09 22)
Valentin vom Arlesbrunnen (at 09 22)
IC Isabeau vom Egert (n 09 22)
CH Carlotta vom Egert
brown blotched tabby (n 22)
CH Carneol vom Egert (nt 22)
CH Freya vom Egert (n 22)
IC Esmee vom Arlesbrunnen
brown blotched tabby (n 22)
CH Raki vom Arlesbrunnen
light amber blotched tabby (at 22)
CH Pinocchio av Trulla (as 09 23)
Pialotta vom Arlesbrunnen (nt 22)
Dorothée de Stang ar Voud
brown mackerel tabby and white (n 09 23)
Veyron de Stang ar Voud (n 09 22)
Raflesia de Stang ar Voud (n 09 24)
Joker Jazzy Jedi Jingle
Joker Male Brown amber blotched tabby (nt 22) Sold
Jazzy Male Brown blotched tabby (n 22) Sold
Jedi Male Brown blotched tabby (n 22) Sold
Jingle Male Brown blotched tabby (n 22) Sold
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